- Lino print and Letterpress with Katherine Anteney
- Wood engraving with Jutta Manser from the Society of Wood Engravers
- Monoprinting & Watercolour with Kevin Dean http://www.kevindean.co.uk/
- Screen printing with Sarah Mander
- Pine Resin Etching & Aquatint with Jo Price
The Red Hot Press Studio will be open with an exhibition of original prints by members for the next two weekends - 20 & 21 and 27 & 28 August. The exhibition will include framed and unframed work and handmade cards - all works will be for sale.
The 20th of August will also be the studio's annual Wayzgoose Fete.
- A wayzgoose was originally an entertainment given by a master printer to his workmen each year on or about St Bartholomew's Day (24 August). It marked the traditional end of summer and the start of the season of working by candlelight. Later, the word came to refer to an annual outing and dinner for the staff of a printing works.
At the Red Hot Press the Wayzgoose Fete means a day of printmaking activities, great music and refreshments!
The fete is on between 12 and 5pm on Sat 20th and the programme for the day will be:
2:30pm The ‘Slow Arrangers’ Ukulele Band.
3:30pm Free Bookbinding taster session.
I thoroughly recommend the Red Hot Press courses and the exhibition and Wayzgoose look set to be great too :-)
Below are some of the prints I've made during the workshops:
Handmade - Linocut and Letterpress
Wood engraving
Watercolour with Monoprint
Screenprints and etchings to follow!
For more info on the Open Studios or to have a look at their courses see their website - Red Hot Press
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