"Collecting and combining images as a picture series to illustrate a certain theme. Discovering images in its multilayered functions in context with others and work out the different meanings and symbols, that are hidden and show up in certain combinations.
Illustrating certain aspects of images such as compostion, light, contrast, perspective. Illustrating terms and themes of the everyday live experience in culture and society. Images as a "language" that has its own rules to narrate a story..."
The group already has a stunning selection of 'Picture Series' images and I must confess I am addicted!
Here are my latest contributions:
1. Untitled, 2. hiding, 3. Justus, 4. Day Thirty-Seven, 3 SIXTY 5, 5. Identity, 6. IMG_0838, 7. shadow, 8. 50/365, 9. Bat Girl - The Morning
1. FRIDA KHALO, 2. PASSAGE ( in memory of R.B. Kitaj), 3. I've seen things...., 4. Ecstatic, 5. Rose, 6. Ars Moriendi (The Art of Dying), 7. Ode To Frida Khalo, 8. dreamcatcher, 9. No para Innita: The Populi Interview.
Created with fd's Flickr Toys.