Thursday, 26 March 2009

Red Tulips

I'm trying to absorb some abstraction and expression into my painting. To add more life and colour than a naturalistic impression might allow. I love pattern, colour and painterly-ness, and hopefully I've managed to capture some of that in my latest painting. Any comments or suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
Please visit my Etsy shop to see more of my work - Dick and Franny

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Painting Clearance Sale!

In an attempt to declutter I'm having a clearance sale on some of my older work. These paintings are lovely but I just haven't got the space to keep as many as I paint. I've listed three sets of 4 paintings so far, and will be listing more. At between $30 and $55 for each set of 4 these are great value sets and huge discounts on the original prices! What am I thinking with such massive reductions!!??
I've picked each set carefully into groups of similar style and subject. Below are some highlights from the sale, to view all of the available sets click here: Clearance Sale

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Interview with an Artist - Tracee Murphy

Tracee Murphy is a talented and creative artist I met through the fantastic Watercolor Works team of Etsy Artists. Her work is fresh and loose, a style that really appeals to me. Tracee is also the founder of the Watercolor Works team, she puts so much hard work and creativity into the group, she is a real inspiration!

Name: Tracee Murphy
How would you define your artistic style? Loose and painterly
When did you start painting? First started 10 years ago, but i have been painting more as an artist for the past 2 and half years.
What is your favourite media and why? Watercolor, of course. It's what i'm drawn to and probably has a lot to do with the fact my mom is a w/c artist too.

Cactus Flower - Original Watercolor (22 x 30 inches)

How long does it usually take you to complete an artwork? Several small paintings can be done in a day, a 1/2 or full sheet anywhere from 1-3 days unless i'm not happy with it and i put it away for a while. depends on how much detail the painting involves.
What do you like best about being an artist? Artist freedom and license to paint anything any color or any way i want!
What advice would you give other budding artists? I'm still budding, but for newbies i'd say practice, practice, practice, but most of all just enjoy what your doing and if you like your work then others will too.

Original Watercolor (8 x 10 inches)

What or who is your inspiration? The many wonderful local artists i get to be around in classes, workshops, and art organizations.
Which artist, past or present would you most like to meet? Terry Madden is my favorite artist and I've already had the privilege to meet him. i just hope i get to meet up with him again.
Which is your favourite gallery and why? The Art Center of Corpus Christi is where i'm currently putting in my work and trying to get involved with.
How do you define Art? Art is in everything whether you design buildings, a landscaper, tattoo artist, etc.

Cool Winter Landscape (5.5 x 7.5 inches)

To see more of Tracee's work -

Website -
Blog -
Etsy -

Friday, 13 March 2009

Art for Comic Relief!

For the rest of March I'm donating 30% from the sale of a selection of my paintings and prints to Comic Relief - see the 'Comic relief' section of my Etsy shop - Dick and Franny .
Red Nose Day is Friday March 13th and my 'charity special' will last until the end of March!

For more info about Comic Relief and Red nose day visit their site: Comic Relief

Sunday, 1 March 2009


I've been trying to combine drawing with painting, but I'm still working out how to achieve what I'm aiming for, and work out what that is. I want the clean line and detail of a pen drawing, with the colour and freshness of a watercolour. Here are a couple of my recent attempts.

In this painting of Forde Abbey in Somerset I started with a sketch using derwent drawing pencils in earth colours. I then added paint with large loose brush strokes, adding extra texture with salt. I also used some pastels once the paint was dry.

I started this expressive painting of Barcelona sunshine with some bold pen drawing for just a brief outline. I then went mad with bright blues, purples and yellows!
Any comments will be much appreciated! :-)


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